Class 1: Drawing Methodologies

In our first class together I will show you several non-traditional approaches to drawing that will sharpen your technical skills, increase hand-eye coordination, loosen up your mark and keep your engagement and focus strong. All exercises will help to build up your repertoire, and give you a multitude of ways to engage with drawing long after the class. 

Materials required: Sketchbook, 2B pencil, ruler.

References: Drawing Methodologies Presentation

Time Required: 75-90 minutes

Introductory video

Method 1: Contour Drawing

 Method 2: Blind Contour

Method 3: Automatic Drawing

Method 4: Non-Dominant Hand

Method 5: Drawing without Lines

Method 6: Upside Down Drawing

HOMEWORK - Complete before the next class

Off to a strong start! Keep going, keep making!