The Sketchbook Challenge 2.0 (Thurs 4-5pm)
The Sketchbook Challenge 2.0 (Thurs 4-5pm)
Cadence: 1 hour weekly, 12 weeks
February 1 - April 18, 2024
Thursdays 4-5pm EST
A sketchbook is a productive place to document, plan, and build technical skills. It can also serve as a private space to make mistakes, play like nobody's watching and take creative risks. A sketchbook can hold the key to unlock lingering questions, to uncover biases and habits, and better get to know ourselves. A sketchbook is a place of learning.
The Sketchbook Challenge 2.0 is a robust 12-week long course designed to help you better understand how a sketchbook may permeate your life and creative practice. Each weekly exercise carefully balances structure and freedom, technical skill and personal voice, inviting you to healthily stretch your hand and brain. Whether you are a beginner or expert in your creative journey, this course will help understand how a sketchbook will benefit your unique creative practice. The class outline is as follows:
Part 1. Skill Building
The (Dreaded!) First Page
Notans: Light/Dark Harmony
The Evolution of Contour
Threads & Landmarks
Part 2. Explore & Experiment
100 Ways to Make a Line
Fast & Slow
Deconstruct, Reconstruct
Less as More
Part 3. Your Voice, Your Sketchbook
Dissect an Artwork
Cross Examination
Alternative Endings
Search & Re-Search
Why did I create this class?
I first created a class called The Sketchbook Challenge (1.0) in 2020 during the height of the pandemic. The class generated a creative space enveloped in community and belonging. It was a beautiful thing to witness in such a lonely time. I continued to host the class season after season, many of the same people returned each time, repeating the exercises within new group dynamics. There was always a sense of buzzing creativity, a palpable feeling. One group continued to meet for months after our final class to encourage each other to keep making.
I lost count of the number of times I received the question: are you going to create a Sketchbook Challenge 2.0?! I finally have an answer: yes. I took my time to build a curriculum with all new exercises in a format that supports YOU. This is about you and your sketchbook, I'm just the facilitator.
This class is demonstration-based. Each class will consist of a 60-minute synchronous exercise led by the instructor. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and make comments during the demonstrations.
This class is designed to be enjoyed in both a synchronous and asynchronous format. Each class will be recorded and can be watched (or re-watched!) at a convenient time to the participant. You may attend the live class, watch only the recordings, or a combination of the two per your schedule.
You will have access to the recorded classes for one full year after the course. Re-watch any exercises you wish through 2025. Repeating these exercises will be incredibly helpful to deepen your skills and knowledge.
You will have access to a number of documents to aid and support your journey during the Sketchbook Challenge 2.0. The following is available for limitless download and never expire:
Downloadable versions of all presentations shared in class
Weekly homework assignments to complete in between classes (optional!)
Weekly reading assignments (optional!)
Extensive lists of drawing/color mixing prompts
Amanda’s artist inventory list (100+ excellent artists)
An optional contact list of participants (many keep in touch after class ends)
A few other goodies!
Required materials:
Sketchbook* see note below
Pencil (I recommend 2B or similar)
Grayscale Value Chart
Dry media (consider colored pencils, markers, crayons, etc)
Wet Media (consider watercolor, gouache or acrylic paint)
A note about sketchbooks -
It is vital to choose a sketchbook that is right for you. The wrong sketchbook could mislead you so please, please, PLEASE, shop around. Hold the book. Feel the pages. Consider the following:
Size: Choose a size that is slightly outside of your comfort level. Smaller sketchbooks sometimes feel more comfortable and accessible, but I’d recommend looking for something ~8x10 inches. This size will give your thoughts and drawings space to wander and breathe.
Paper weight: Make sure to read the label of the sketchbook to ensure the paper will hold your preferred medium. If you intend to paint in your sketchbook make sure your paper can hold water and pigment well. When in doubt, buy a mixed media or watercolor sketchbook with at least 110lb paper.
Format: Hard cover allows for easy lap drawing, soft cover is more malleable, spiral bound is great to take drawings out of your sketchbook. Does square, rectangular or wide landscape format best fit your intentions?
I will be using a 8.25 x 11.75 Moleskine Sketchbook. This sketchbook is the right size and feel for me, but it may not be right for you. It takes pencil, inky pen, and non-watered down acrylic paint very well. Blick studio markers will bleed through the page and water-based media will make the page buckle.